Wednesday, March 22, 2017

REleased CWM based recovery for Qmobile Noir A35 REleased

REleased CWM based recovery for Qmobile Noir A35 REleased

CWM based recovery released first time on but it is still buggy 

note i m not resposible if any thing goes wrong with your device bricked/dead

Known bugs:
you can remove some useless apk to make backup that can be restored with no error 
these stock apk can be deleted for making backup
1:remove backup and restore stock apk
2: remove any third party apps i suggest you to wipe data or factory reset your noir a35
3:remove play store if you want and i recommend you to remove all ringtones and notifications from your noir a35
first you have to root for rooting noir a35 click >>>here <<<
download root explorar from here
and go to system/media/audio/ringtones and delete all files from it 
if you can not delete some apks or ringtones restore will be stopped so first delete rintones and notification and then make backup also factory reset your mobile before procedding 
some time MD5 check sum error pop up but if you try 2 or three times this will gone 

2; go to system/media/audio/notification and remove all files from this folder 
so we have done freeing some space so that restore process cant be stopped 
recovery i m uploading is patched so flash it through 
1; running computer 
first connect your a35 and open mtk droid tools and root.exe click on root and back window and click on flash already prepared recovery.img  
after flashing a window will come saying want to reboot into flashed recovery click yer an voilaaaaaaa Custom recovery in your hand 
Download recovery.img  >>>here<<< 
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backup made with it cannot be restored because system partition gets full so backup process stoppeed but 

or es file manager from  here 

2; usb cable 
3; mtk usb drivers download from here
4; mtk droid tools and roots download from here  

 (dont know forgot the names )


Available link for download

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